Hookist Nation Music • Hookist

Hookist Nation Music

Check out the musical ideas of these talented Hookists!

Keith Curtis sings “One World”!
Lyrics: Kayly, JayneSachs, Renee814, Paul Bryon Bellamy,
G.T.Edwards, Blue, Merilee, Lovie D’Sa, Rosie Bell, Ralph Harris,
MariaJack, Keith Curtis & Vonda McCants!
Check out Keith’s profile page!


Merilee sings her version of “One World”!
Lyrics: Kayly, JayneSachs, Renee814, Paul Bryon Bellamy,
G.T.Edwards, Blue, Merilee, Lovie D’Sa, Rosie Bell & Ralph Harris,
MariaJack, Keith Curtis, Vonda McCants & Kayly!
Check out Merilee’s profile page!


Here’s a version of the bridge from MariaJack and Keith Curtis
who worked together to create it!
Check out Keith’s profile page!
Check out MariaJack’s profile page!

Keith Curtis sings our song so far!
Lyrics: Kayly, JayneSachs, Renee814, Paul Bryon Bellamy,
G.T.Edwards, Blue, Merilee, Lovie D’Sa, Rosie Bell & Ralph Harris!
Check out Keith’s profile page!


TandFCHowes sings the song so far!
Lyrics: Kayly, JayneSachs, Renee814, Paul Bryon Bellamy,
G.T.Edwards, Blue, Merilee. Lovie D’sa, Rosie Bell & Ralph Harris
Check out TandFCHowes profile page!

Terry’s version of the song so far including some bridge chord ideas!
Lyrics: Kayly, JayneSachs, Renee814, Paul Bryon Bellamy,
G.T.Edwards, Blue, Merilee, Lovie D’Sa, Rosie Bell & Ralph Harris!

TandFCHowes sings the song so far!

Lyrics: Kayly, JayneSachs, Renee814, Paul Bryon Bellamy,
G.T.Edwards, Blue & Merilee
Check out TandFCHowes profile page!

MariaJack sings…
Chorus lines by: Rosiebell, Paul Bryon Bellamy & MariaJack
Check out MariaJack’s profile page!

Merilee Stewart sings…
Line 1 by Kayly, Line 2 by Jayne Sachs, Line 3 by Renee814
Check out her profile page!

MariaJack sings… 1st Verse
Check out MariaJack’s profile page!

Pekkepop sings… 1st line
Check out Pekkepop’s profile page!

Send us your musical idea for our song!
1. Upload your video to your Youtube Channel
2. Then send the link to info@hookist.com

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