ninayates, Author at Hookist


Username: ninayates


Username: ninayates
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  • Marty Dodson

Marty Dodson commented on ninayates' lyric:

"That"s romantic!"

Lyric by ninayates:

"The softness of your breath on me makes me catch my own / You’re the only one I’ve known who feels this much like home."

Marty Dodson commented on ninayates' lyric:

"That"s romantic!"

Lyric by ninayates:

"The softness of your breath on me makes me catch my own / You’re the only one I’ve known who feels this much like home."

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My Lyrics

hookist my lyrics written
  • Marty Dodson
The softness of your breath on me makes me catch my own / You’re the only one I’ve known who feels this much like home.

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