Delores Gifford, Author at Hookist
Delores Gifford

Delores Gifford

Username: Delores Gifford

Delores Gifford

Username: Delores Gifford
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  • Morgan Myles

Morgan Myles commented on Delores Gifford's lyric:

"that is super interesting D! almost like a singer-songwriter type song like angel from montgomery. that could be cool!"

Lyric by Delores Gifford:

"They called her Quarantine an angel sent to save us"

Morgan Myles commented on Delores Gifford's lyric:

"that is super interesting D! almost like a singer-songwriter type song like angel from montgomery. that could be cool!"

Lyric by Delores Gifford:

"They called her Quarantine an angel sent to save us"

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My Lyrics

hookist my lyrics written
  • Morgan Myles
Resubmission.... Time to lay these worries down bury my sorrows in the ground and spread peace all around
Feel's like I been carrying the world on my shoulders... Just want this damn virus over
It's time to lay these worries down spread some courage around... An give it up to a higher power
Remake of previous submission.....When the shield of safety is lifted and the hatred is gone/ When color doesn't matter... Maybe then we can move on
When the world comes together and hatred is gone/ When color doesn't matter and life can on
When the Sunrise's tomorrow let's rejoice for the thing's lost that we found... Standing united on common ground
A storm blew in like we've never seen.. Oh they called her "Quarantine"
It rocked me to the core/ Don't want to see or feel the pain no more
It's rocked me to the core /I'm walking pass closed door's/ Missing those those dance room floor's
I have faith we're gonna be the force to fight this. Let's do it with love and kindness.. Let's make it contagious
They called her Quarantine an angel sent to save us
They called her Quarantine an angel sent to save us!

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