Danny, Author at Hookist


Username: Danny
hookist kudos
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  • One of Each
  • Morgan Myles

Morgan Myles commented on Danny's lyric:

"love this!"

Lyric by Danny:

"We can bring it all back together from within our hearts let us love one another the healing then can start"

Morgan Myles commented on Danny's lyric:

"love this!"

Lyric by Danny:

"We can bring it all back together from within our hearts let us love one another the healing then can start"

Morgan Myles commented on Danny's lyric:

"i like this million pages!!!"

Lyric by Danny:

"One smile can fill a million pages, one smile can be so contagious"

Song Stats

My Lyrics

hookist my lyrics written
  • Morgan Myles
We can bring it all back together from within our hearts let us love one another the healing then can start
Among all the chaos, when all else is said and done, only love can save us, let it be contageoud
One smile can fill a million pages, one smile can be so contagious

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