Margaret BabySmiley, Author at Hookist
Margaret BabySmiley

Margaret BabySmiley

Username: Margaret BabySmiley

Margaret BabySmiley

Username: Margaret BabySmiley
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  • The Sisterhood
  • Yashi Brown
A brighter light to see a child smile on their face, helping all our people you see, to have a health life.
A brighter light a see a child smile on their face, helping all our people you see, to have a health life.
I see a lonely child praying for happiness, cause his tears won't let him cry no more
You don't know hurt until you been through it...heart aches everyday
Our heart is crying will we ever understand why...Help
But as you reach out to others, don't forget to look after your own emotional.
You've help me out of those quiet moments I kept inside, I see I've grow not to be blind, for every minute is precious.
Its a mind thing, for you have taugh me dignity, I will breath free, now I can live on.
When life is throwing every adversity your peace means everything to me.
For you made me believe in myself, I smile just because...SMILE
living in silence NO, I smile and I began to see in me, cause you touch my soul.
I hear the song I sing, determination and dedication with no frustration.
flooded with emotions, don't give up hope, you are somebody.
I met you blind with desire, you set my soul on fire, although my eyes cannot see you, but I feel the true love from our hearts.
I see million of stars in the sky, but one shine brighter in your eyes, oh I see you looking at me smile, that makes two of us with a smile!
Don't hide from the pain, I want you to understand, that I can feel what your heart is asking, don't cry, I love you forever
I have the patient for you in every way I can, No more pain, no more fear, its just you and I
Trust...Close your eyes its magic, I promise to bring each tears a peace to your world into the moonlight above, with no more empty heart, so you can give love another chance, trust in me.
HUMAN...why I can love you for who you are, I don't care what color you are, love is very POWERFUL to two HUMAN people with deep STRONG feelings like to singing love birds in a tree, we are who we are, HUMAN.
Joy of a living acts of love and affection, It's unseen but real honest, It makes my heartbeat with love I'd embrace you and know that this has all been real.
If a smile can take your pain away, and make your sad face a beautiful smile again....Smile!
A few cry out for love, or a hug, but it takes one to say keep your head up high, I love and guide you, to be the best that you can be.
Moments without family love and support is like trying to live without air and water.
Tears in my eyes just watching you smile, as my heart beat happy feelings, for the love we have for each another.
My thinking mind be running wondering why this has to be, being alone is a lonely place to be, my heart and soul has a lot of love you see, if I love again I don't want to be free alone.

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