Featured Hookist: • Hookist

Featured Hookist:

Tod Hughes Project

Tod Hughes is an OG Hookist and a Canadian storyteller. His lyrics have been voted the most popular at Hookist an incredible 70 times, and Ellen Reid of Crash Test Dummies, Natalie Gelman, Vernon Bush and The Bros Landreth have all chosen his lyrics to be a part of their Hookist songs!

Check out Tod’s profile to see the kudos & feedback his lyrics have received from Chris Barron of Spin Doctors, Brad Roberts of Crash Test Dummies, Marty Dodson and more incredible songwriters!

LISTEN TO TOD’S MUSIC! Tod writes songs about the highs & lows of life – love, hurt, happiness, fear, disappointment and fun! A subtle message of hope is thread through his stories which can range from serious, and even a bit dark, to slightly tongue in cheek and even funny! Listen here!


Follow Tod everywhere!


If you’d like to be a Featured Hookist,
contact us at info@hookist.com!


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