An Update On Our Song From Beth:
“The song is starting to take shape as ABAB and it’s essential that the syllables sing easily over the melody.
I’m getting some great lines that rhyme with “mind” but please note, with this rhyme scheme, the rhyme for that word [mind] will be the third line. The second line will be a different rhyme and NOT another “I” sounding vowel.
Also…the amount of syllables is critical to me once a melody is established although the melody can change in rare instances.
Line 1: Well you’re never gonna change my mind – 8 or 9 syllables depending on leaving off “well” which is optional.
Line 2: 10 or 11 syllables (new rhyme)
Line 3: 8 or 9 syllables (rhymes with first line)
Line 4: 10 or11 syllables (rhymes with second line)
Great stuff! LOTS to go through but I’m reading every one and trying to prioritize my faves!”